Burger, S. & McFarland, M. (2009). Action research and wikis: An effective collaboration. Library Media Connection, 28(2), 38-40. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier. Permalink: http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=44773682&site=ehost-live
library media specialists in a suburban school district outside of St.
Louis used a wiki to collaborate on an action research project. They
recognized that their school district's central library services office
was spending a large percentage of their budget each year on electronic
databases. The researchers were concerned that students and teachers
were not using the databases enough to justify the expenditure, and so
set out an action research project to investigate the usage at each of
their schools. They used the action research process of developing a
research question, conducting a literature review, collecting data with
three tools (triangulating data), forming conclusions, and applying
their conclusions and learnings to improve their practice. In some cases
they conducted trainings for students on various underused databases,
and in other cases made recommendations to teachers of which databases
they should encourage their students to use.
This article caught my attention for two reasons:
1. it
gives a great example of how teachers at school can use collaborative
tools (in this case, a wiki on pbworks) to work together and improve
practice; and
2. it addresses the realistic issue that some districts have underutilized electronic resources.
It also gives suggestions on how to investigate uses of these resources.
I am already training students on using our database plan to
access BrainPop, and I plan to create several screencasts this year for
the school library website that demonstrate how to use other electronic
references resources such as the Khan Academy videos and Encyclopedia
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