Crompton, Marc
Richtel, M. (2011, September 04). Grading the digital school: In classroom of future, stagnant scores. The New York Times. Retrieved from
I just read an article published last September in the New York Times discussing
an initiative in an Arizona school district to invest heavily in
technology in the classrooms. The district is faced with going back to
the taxpayers to continue to support an increased tax rate to invest
further in technology while standardized test scores have remained the
same since the initiative began, even when scores in surrounding areas
have risen.
While much of the article makes this connection between increased use
of educational technology and little documentable effect on learning,
Richtel, the article’s author, is careful to not take a clear stand on
either side of the argument. In my mind there are two important issues
coming out of this article.
Probably the most obvious issue, at least to educators, relates to
equating the benefits to the use of technology to what is tested in
standardized tests. Technology is about the process. It can help make
understanding deeper. Standardized tests are about content. Cramming
for a test using rote memorization can, potentially, help a test score.
But as anyone knows who has taken this approach, the information
memorized is often lost within a couple of days of the exam. If
students learn less content but understand, and thus remember, that
material more deeply, the net effect is a better educated graduate,
regardless of what the standardized test scores say.
Richter makes a point about the quality of teacher using the
technology: “Good teachers, he said, can make good use of computers,
while bad teachers won’t, and they and their students could wind up
becoming distracted by the technology.” I don’t think that this
argument is quite so simple. Different teachers have different skills,
personalities and teaching styles. The effective use of technology does
not define a good teacher. However, technology in the hands of a
teacher who does not use it effectively has no benefit. As is pointed
out later in the article, technology can become a distraction and can
make the learning environment less effective. Technology, as with any
educational tool, has to be used for the right reasons and in effective
ways. Technology, by itself, does nothing for education.
Educational technology is an important tool in this day and age. We
live in a world filled with technology and students need to develop the
skills to use these tools effectively in a work environment. They need
to be comfortable with technology and need to learn how to learn so that
they can keep on top of change. They also need to know how to pick up a
pencil and sketch or grab a shovel and dig. High Tech devices are not
the answer to every situation in the educational world or in the world
at large. We need to focus on what our goals are in education, measure
our progress with appropriate instruments and use the best methods
available to reach those goals.
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