Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Calgary Document Discussion Forum

Add comments including quotes from the Calgary Document to participate in a class discussion in our blog.


  1. One of the ideas that the High School group discussed was the need to focus on issue that make the Learning Commons unique in context of the full school. The socially collaborative learning that is developed through real and virtual PLNs and is key to the Learning Commons because it extends beyond the walls of the classroom.

  2. How can the learning commons support social, intellectual and academic
    engagement in learning through the use of its physical and virtual spaces? page 12

  3. We were all intrigued by how to implement the Learning Commons. There is a need to convince a the whole school and district to get on board. At what level are students involved, other staff members, how much knowledge needs to be shared with them before it begins and as the process moves along. Lots of great things to think about on page 13.

  4. Middle School Group Comment:

    Creating a shared vision and building one with staff was our focus. This is an important aspect of beginning a learning commons. Also finding out how all stakeholders are supporting and enhancing the learning commons. This is the area that our group discussed.

  5. The elementary group began with a discussion of the Essential Conditions for implementing a learning commons and mostly discussed our current conditions and how to get closer to those essential conditions. A major obstacle we have in common is that we are all on a fixed schedule in which we meet with each class once a week. In order to use the library in a meaningful project-based way, getting on a more flexible schedule would be an important first step.

  6. To add to what Cassy said, the Elementary school group also discussed different ways in which TLs can cultivate greater collaboration with other school teachers--particularly the media specialist, if there is such a staff member at the school. We also touched upon the value of having administrative/school-wide support and engagement as vital for promoting the learning commons as a vital and engaging service of value for the whole school, rather than just a place to store materials or "babysit" students for a period of the school day.

  7. "This space, which
    is a blend of physical and virtual environments, transforms teaching and learning
    by allowing both staff and students to co-create knowledge. Within the learning
    commons, technology supports the construction of new understandings by the
    learner rather than the learner passively consuming information."
    This my favorite quote from reading the document. If I had only one minute of an administrators time to sell the Learning Commons this is what I would hope I would say.
