Sunday, May 4, 2014

Padlet-Collaboration Tool
Grades: Grades 6-12

I found this free tool through a Common Sense Media review of the 10 best new applications for educators. (The review is here: Anna Taylor and I are using it to collaborate for a project and I'm really inspired by its functionality.

Padlet lets you pin videos, text, links, images, anything that can be added to a board with a simple drag-and-drop system. It enables you to share ideas from many different mediums, including documents, class notes, and completed assignments, in one easy to access place. Since more than one person can contribute to a Padlet wall, its useful for teamwork and group project. I like one educator's suggestion that you can post a prompt, ask each student to contribute, and then once everyone has posted, you can change the setting so everyone's input can be seen.

Anna found this great Padlet mini-tutorial on YouTube which explains some of the features that are especially useful for teachers.

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